Hi, I am Yasiru

Undergraduate | University of Moratuwa

Passionate technical enthusiast who loves to experiment...

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About Me

I'm Yasiru Kanakkahewa

3rd year Undergraduate University of Moratuwa

A passionate technical enthusiast who likes to try new things whenever able to and a person with friendly leadership qualities, a responsible team player with good team spirit. A person who is willing to go beyond the frame and loves to research things on own and experiment. Seeking for an opportunity as a Software Engineering Intern to explore the IT field.

  • Co-Founder

  • Director

    Mora Eports Community
  • Creative,inspiring

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What I think I'm good at

Favourite Stack
    React Js Spring Boot MySQL


I have used Java, C, Python throughout and have a good grasp of their basics.


I have used React to develop multiple web and mobile applications. I have also mastered html and css inorder to make simple websites.


I have frequently used MySQL for the database as it is a platform independent which is very flexible and easy to use. I have also used MongoDB,MSSQL and SQLite.


While I have used Springboot for most of my backend projects. I have also used PHP for a few projects. I'm loving exploring the depths of spirngboot currently.


University of Moratuwa

2021 - Present

Reading B.Sc. (Hons) in Information Technology.

Rahula College

2016 - 2019

GCE Advanced Level(A/L)

Results: A B B

Z-score: 1.8347

Stream: Physical Science

Chemistry: A| Physics: B| Combined Maths: B

Rahula College

2011 - 2016

GCE Ordinary Level(O/L)

Results: 9A's

English Literature: A| ICT: A| Tamil: A




Role: Full Stack Developer

Tracko - Employee Monitoring System

"An all in one employee performance monitoring system."

Our Team

Team Return 0, From left: Seefa Banu, Jithmi Kumarasinghe, Ravindu Karunaweera, Dulani Lamahewage, Yasiru Kanakkahewa


Tracko Landing Page

This is the second year group project we did at the University. This project was mentored by Creative Software. This article will discuss about the project and the technologies used.

Tracko is a system to monitor the working performance of all employees in a project who may have different performance criterias as QA, Dev etc.

Register, Sign-in, Forgot Password Pages*

This is the initial page. The user can login or register to the system. If a user has forgot the password he/she can change it by an email verification and the system will prevent users registering in different accounts with the same email address.

User Details, Group Details, Edit Group Pages

This is the admin landing page afer an admin login. The admin can view all the users who are been already registered to the system. Admin is able to give roles to the users and assign them to user groups such as Scrum Master,Product owner,Team member etc. Admin is also responsible to give roles to the scrum masters who are assinged to create teams.

Admin Dashboard

This is the admin Dashboard where the admin can see all the ongoing projects and their status.

Project, Backlog, Sprint Pages

These are the Project and Backlog Pages where the users can create/delete/update their projects, sprints respectively.

Child issue, Edit Child issue, Child issue Dashboard Pages*

To give a solution for the performance monitoring gaps between the devopers and the QAs in our system we introduced two story points seperately for developer and QA where all can be monitored through the same system.

Kanban Board, Report Generation Pages*

To give a solution for the performance monitoring gaps between the devopers and the QAs in our system we introduced two story points seperately for developer and QA where all can be monitored through the same system.

Foot Note

Pages marked with '*' are not my work. I included them to give a better idea of the project. Moreover, this does not include all the functionalities of the app, and this is just around 40%. I did not include the rest here because it is not my work.


Can Crusher

Role: Team Leader, Programmer

Can Crusher

"A Reverse Vending machine for Disposing Aluminium cans."

Our Team

From left: Pehan Sanchitha,Yasiru Kanakkahewa, Nishath Ahmed, Ravindu Kavinda, Sithira Basanayaka


Full circuit diagram

This is the first year hardware project we did at the University. This article will discuss about the project and the technologies used.

Can Crusher is an automated machine that is developed for disposing cans (ex: beer cans, soft drink cans) in an environmentally friendly method.

Exterior and Interior Design of the Machine

These are the Exterior and Interior Designs of the Machine.As we spent the most of our first year online due to the Covid-19 panademic the whole project was carried out using simulations. The user can input the cans through the input slot and the machine will check the validity of the can and if so the machine will crush the cans and store them in the storage area. The user will be given three options of getting a mobile reload, a fast charging time period or a chance of donation.

Schematic & PCB layouts

This is the admin landing page afer an admin login. The admin can view all the users who are been already registered to the system. Admin is able to give roles to the users and assign them to user groups such as Scrum Master,Product owner,Team member etc. Admin is also responsible to give roles to the scrum masters who are assinged to create teams.

Blender Simulation

This is the expected path which the Can travels inside the machine.

Machine, Crushing unit, Validation Unit

Crushing unit helps to crush the Can and from the Validation unit the user's input will be validated.

Blender Simulation

Crushing mechanism used.

Foot Note

Though we did not get to implement the system in real life, we were able to simulate it and get a good understanding of how it works. We also learned a lot about teamwork and how to work remotely. I also personally believe that we as a group learnt a lot about teamwork and helped paved the way to our success in the future.


This Website

Role: Web Developer

My Portfolio

"Welcome to my personal Portfolio."


Portfolio Landing Page

This is my personal portfolio hosted on github. The website is created using Pure CSS , Html and JavaScript

Development Pages

NFB Championship

Role: Chief Organizer, Director

No Fall Back(NFB) Championship 2023

NFB Organizing Commitee
Role: Chief Organizer, Director, Announcer

NFB Championship 2023 was the First ever PUBGM LAN tournament organized by a University where national players all around the country competed against eachother. The tournament was held on 8th of May 2023 on University of Moratuwa premises and as the Chief Organizer and the Director Mobile-Esports I'm proud to say we changed course of Sri Lanka's Esports history.

As the Chief Organizer, I undertook the immense responsibility of orchestrating a colossal event as I oversaw the Production, Logistics, Publicity, and Technical teams ensuring their seamless coordination.

Date: 2023.05.08
Venue: University of Moratuwa
Paritipants: 52 Teams(220+ participants)
Final Thoughts

The event was a huge success as we recieved many positive feedbacks from all around the gaming industry. As the Chief organizer I gained a lot of experience and knowledge in people management, team handling and polished some skills such as real-time decision making. I am really grateful to all the people who put their efforts throughout the event to make it a success.

NFB Aftermovie

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