What I think I'm good at
React Js
Spring Boot

I have used Java, C, Python throughout and have a good grasp of their basics.

I have used React to develop multiple web and mobile applications. I have also mastered html and css inorder to make simple websites.

I have frequently used MySQL for the database as it is a platform independent which is very flexible and easy to use. I have also used MongoDB,MSSQL and SQLite.

While I have used Springboot for most of my backend projects. I have also used PHP for a few projects. I'm loving exploring the depths of spirngboot currently.


University of Moratuwa
2021 - PresentReading B.Sc. (Hons) in Information Technology.

Rahula College
2016 - 2019GCE Advanced Level(A/L)
Results: A B B
Z-score: 1.8347
Stream: Physical Science
Chemistry: A| Physics: B| Combined Maths: B

Rahula College
2011 - 2016GCE Ordinary Level(O/L)
Results: 9A's
English Literature: A| ICT: A| Tamil: A